
1-3 days anywhere in US

Free shipping at two products or more

Flat rate at $10 anywhere in US

Currently we are shipping within United States, but International shipping is on its way, stay tuned.

Yes, all Homme products are vegan, with the exception of our styling waxes that are vegetarian due to use of beeswax to give the best possible styling performance.

Yes, all Homme Face, shave and styling products are less than 3.3 oz, with the exception of our body and shampoo products. This makes our grooming, skincare and styling products ideal for travel and for your carry-on luggage.

Please go to BUY page and click on more information under the product and it will take you to the ingredient list as well as further product information

Please go to BUY page and click on more information under the product and it will take you to the usage as well as further product information

We want you to love every product, if you are not happy get your money back. Please send us a message and we will take care of you.

Please send us an email to with any suggestions, we are constantly open to new ideas and improvements